Yi Liu 刘奕

Yi Liu 刘奕

Ph.D - 2022 fall

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hi, I am Yi Liu (刘奕). I am currently a second-year Ph.D. candidate in the CURE Lab at The Chinese University of Hong Kong supervised by Prof. Qiang Xu. Before this, I got my B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, supervised by Prof. Baoyuan Wu.

Currently, I am working on the Large Circuit Model (LCM) project. Specifically, I am responsible for RTL representation learning and alignment. I am also interested in applying AI for EDA and combinatorial optimization (e.g., SAT problem).

  • Code Representation Learning
  • AI for EDA & Combinatorial Optimization
  • Model Robustness and Evaluation
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2022

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • B.Eng. in Comuter Science and Engineering, 2018

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen