Hi, I am Ruiyuan Gao (高瑞元), a final year PhD at CURE lab of CUHK. My supervisor is Prof. Qiang Xu. Before joining CUHK, I worked with Prof.Hailong Yang and Prof.Xianglong Liu at Beihang University, Beijing, and received a B.E. degree in computer science and technology from Shenyuan Honors College in 2020. My current research interests span data generation, including generative models and synthetic data for perception tasks; and trustworthy AI, including adversarial attack/defence and AI privacy.
I am looking for jobs starting from Fall, 2025. Please do not hesitate to contact me!
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Eng in Comuter Science and Technology, 2016
Beihang University