Text-aligned natural motions: the figure walks forward and looks like he trips on something.
Precise motion counting: a person does 2 jumping jacks.
High-quality motions with less foot sliding: a person does a squat and raises both arms over its head.
a person walks forward, arms by their side.
a person lifts up a box on the right side and puts it on the left side.
a person jogging in place.
a person uses their right arm to wave.
a person walks in a right bend direction.
a person sits in a chair then stands back up.
a person does a small jump.
a person kneels down on both knees.
the person is stretching arms out.
a person stretched right arm up and over to the left, then left arm up and over to the right.
a person raises both arms and punches with his right arm.
a step forward then a large step like walking over something then back to normal.
the figure plants four steps leading with it's left foot, with a fifth step not planted.
a person leaps forward then stands straight.
a person jobs up a few paces in a straight line and stops.
he opened his both arms and then sit on the bench and then start moving his right hand.
a person strides swiftly in a straight line.
a person makes several gestures with their hands, appear to scratch, stretch their arms and wave their arms around while twisting their torso.
a person is jumping up and down.
the person is scratching head.
We compare the generation result of MotionCraft with
Our model has obvious advantages in controlibility, sequentiality and motion rationality.